Kumon first steps Workbooks


This set includes 12 books which is 2 books for Let’s Color, 2 books for Let’s Fold. 4 books for Let’s Cut the paper, 4 books for Let’s Sticker & Paste.

Full collection of 12KShs5,950.00
let's colorKShs600.00
let's color moreKShs600.00
let's foldKShs600.00
let's fold moreKShs600.00
let's cut paperKShs600.00
let's cut paper moreKShs600.00
let's cut paper food funKShs600.00
let's cut paper amazing animalsKShs600.00
let's sticker and pasteKShs600.00
let's sticker and paste moreKShs600.00
let's sticker and paste food funKShs600.00
let's sticker and paste amazing animalsKShs600.00

This set including 12 books which is 2 books for Let’s Color, 2 books for Let’s Fold. 4 books for Let’s Cut the paper, 4 books for Let’s Sticker & Paste.

Kumon first steps workbooks collection

Full collection of 12, let's color, let's color more, let's fold, let's fold more, let's cut paper, let's cut paper more, let's cut paper food fun, let's cut paper amazing animals, let's sticker and paste, let's sticker and paste more, let's sticker and paste food fun, let's sticker and paste amazing animals

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